Thursday, April 17, 2008

The things we do?

We do for the ones we love?
My wife mentioned she wanted ice cream so I waited till she went to the bedroom to see the local news & I sneaked out to get some ice cream for her. What do you do for your honey or loved ones? Or what do they for you that makes you love them more? Just wanted to do that for her just to let her know shes loved.

Weekly Grand

Weekly Grand

There is a lottery ticket here in Texas called Weekly Grand I just thought of something when I saw someone scratching this ticket. You know you can get a weekly Grand if you go to college. It is so much an addiction as many, like drinking; smoking stuff like that I just can’t believe people would throw away their hard earned money on this junk. Besides if you’re saved you should not even mess with stuff, not even touch it (2 Corinthians 6:17 & Colossians 2:21). The lady here @ work tells me I am quitting slowly, baby steps, & I’m thinking” I have worked here in the office for 2 years how many steps is it?” She probably spends about 60 bucks a day. But just like any other sin the devil will put out some thing else to just grab a hold on us & the flesh is weak you will give in to get your fix. Why can’t we just be addicts to Jesus? That would really help us out more than lottery tickets. I know its baby steps really I didn’t stop doing some of the stuff I was doing when I got saved & then again some people just change completely, but Jesus worked on me & showed me the way through preaching, songs, preachers, prayer, brothers & sisters of the faith, & most of all reading Gods Holy Word. I am not perfect by any means I am still a work in progress, I know I need correction, & still need lots of preaching, & a lot of bible reading, getting alone with Jesus in prayer. If you struggle with these things give it to Jesus completely, replace it with Jesus you will never go void with Him. He can fill those desires, your desires will change. It is so hard on people, like preacher said Jesus didn’t make robots, we have a free will we choose what we want to do in life. It is so hard to explain to this lady she is lost she doesn’t know Christ as her Saviour. That is the first step, to get saved knowing that you’re going to heaven when you die. The understanding will come as you grow in the Lord Jesus. First things First. That is our battle, to lead people to Christ Jesus.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Pet Peeves

What are your pet peeves?
I have a couple I can think of right now.
A wobbly table @ a restaurant.
Slow Drivers.
People who wear a jacket with shorts, Duhh.
muffin top garooosss.
Sneezing like 6 times get a little light headed.
Sucking on there teeth, get a toothpick please.
Cereal no milk.
You Get It. Cool.

Monday, April 14, 2008

Jeremiah 17:9

The heart is deceitful above all things, & desperately wicked: who can know it?

deceitful is deliberately misleading
above all things
desperately is urgently: with great urgency
wicked is
morally bad in principle or practice
Who can know it?

Selective hearing

You only hear what you want to. I heard preacher use that last night as we were talking to Bro. Maney as he preaches the gospel to Spanish speaking people in Tennessee. He is white & when he tries to give the gospel they act like they don't understand. Some can understand, but the choose not too. We can be the same way when God speaks to our heart do we have selective hearing. When we are told to do something by our parent growing up we also had selective hearting. It is so sad that people are dying & going to hell, but they only have selective hearing, they don't want to give up the devils ways. Yes we have a free will we choose who we want to follow, if you don't follow Jesus, then it is so sad you follow the devil. Selective hearing is also a part of rebellion, & rebellion is as witchcraft, the bible says , look it up. You know what to do, but you choose not to, why? He saved your soul knowing who you were, He died for you & your wicked ways, but you wont, change. Some people just get fire insurance, they get saved & that's it. How are you honoring & serving Jesus, by not doing nothing? Why would God keep you around if your not doing nothing for Him, What keeps you from serving Jesus? You know already that, that stumbling block Jesus will remove from you. Being your family, your friends, or some other things that keep you from Jesus. Are you being a stumbling block? You think your alright, but people are watching you all the time. You are being watched by co-workers if you say your a Christian, if you say that or even admit it. Little kids around church or from family & friends, what would they say about you? Why? Why wont you serve Him? for once learn what sacrifice really means, putting Jesus before everything. Giving up your Saturday for Him giving up your Sundays for Him, Giving up your Wednesday nights for Him. Then don't do it out of habit, learn to worship, learn how to listen to the Holy Ghost, learn how to do Gods will, Give yourself unconditional to Him, not like whats in it for me attitude. When you come to the house of God are you there to worship His holy & precious name, give Him the glory, give it to Him all, He gave it all for you, what have you given for Him.Pray just pray please get in that prayer mood, constant prayer & know what you believe & why you believe it. You have to talk the talk & walk the walk, learn it, Live it. Amen. Just typing what is on my heart & mind. Laters.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Almost to the half

You can see my wires hanging down for the surround sound of course.
You can see the wires where the surround sound will start behind the t.v. Right below those wires is the cable outlet along with the telephone jack. Telephone know how provided by
If you look closely through the window you can see the hit away the boys use to practice strength on hitting the ball, but also the old window that was replaced.

I was down to the last cutting pieces of Sheetrock when I sliced my finger, good thing my nail took most of the cutting. My wife was going crazy looking for band aids is that what they are called or is that a brand, any way, will she went to look for band aids I got the camera out, she just gave me "the look" after she was all worried about me I was taking pictures, he he. When I cut it I just looked @ my finger & it wasn't bleeding till I moved it, weird. I felt the knife slice it, then looked @ my craftsman knife to see if it was bloody, but it wasn't. I think that is one of the most annoying cuts, on the fingers or finger tips.

Well any who I am almost half way there, once I finish the Sheetrock I need to tape & float then sand. Then maybe the trim around the windows or just start doing the floors. Laying down Masonite, then the tile. Keep praying for me, we have a lot of stuff coming up, like baseball games & church functions, so that leaves me with little time for working on the house. Yesterday after visitation we went to Wally-Mart to get all the supplies for church, then went to drop them off. Then finally got home & started working on the house till midnight, I am so sore my thunder thighs, hurt.he he. As soon as I am done in the new living room I have to take everything out of the house to make room to work on the floors. Till next time Bloggers & fellow citizens.
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Harlingen Cardinal

Before we left to church this morning, Johnny spotted a cardinal. I of course went back inside to get my camera, but I couldn't zoom in like I wanted to the camera was too cheap I guess. But I could never get a good shot of him either way he or she kept moving all over the place. So I got my pellet gun & shot it down to get a closer look, just scroll down to see. Kidding, just kidding it was a beautiful bird, but we had to leave we had to get tacos of course, hehe.
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