This is the first day I Blog. Today was a busy day at work seems like summer is coming around. Summer is our peak season at work this is where my boss makes most of his money for the rest of the year. My Best Friend John and his family came over last week. We had a blast at the Island and the fellowship was awesome. His bro jay was with us we had so much fun I didn't want that day to finish so fast but hey time flies when you are having fun. The sea was angry that day my friend. Today I woke up to study the book of Samuel it is so interesting how a mother who had no children and prayed for one not only a child a man child and that if God would give her a man child she would give him to God she weaned him that means until he was able to feed himself and then gave him to the priest to raise him in Gods house. Every year when she would go worship and give a sacrifice she would take him a coat. It was so interesting I forgot about time I was running a little later than usual. But I prayed for everyone i could think of. Pray for my chhurch we are trying to buy a building but only if it is the Lordds will. I love my Pastor and his family they are such a blessing giving up all they had to follow Gods will. Man what a testimony. laters it is getting late.
Juan Deleon