Thursday, April 17, 2008

Weekly Grand

Weekly Grand

There is a lottery ticket here in Texas called Weekly Grand I just thought of something when I saw someone scratching this ticket. You know you can get a weekly Grand if you go to college. It is so much an addiction as many, like drinking; smoking stuff like that I just can’t believe people would throw away their hard earned money on this junk. Besides if you’re saved you should not even mess with stuff, not even touch it (2 Corinthians 6:17 & Colossians 2:21). The lady here @ work tells me I am quitting slowly, baby steps, & I’m thinking” I have worked here in the office for 2 years how many steps is it?” She probably spends about 60 bucks a day. But just like any other sin the devil will put out some thing else to just grab a hold on us & the flesh is weak you will give in to get your fix. Why can’t we just be addicts to Jesus? That would really help us out more than lottery tickets. I know its baby steps really I didn’t stop doing some of the stuff I was doing when I got saved & then again some people just change completely, but Jesus worked on me & showed me the way through preaching, songs, preachers, prayer, brothers & sisters of the faith, & most of all reading Gods Holy Word. I am not perfect by any means I am still a work in progress, I know I need correction, & still need lots of preaching, & a lot of bible reading, getting alone with Jesus in prayer. If you struggle with these things give it to Jesus completely, replace it with Jesus you will never go void with Him. He can fill those desires, your desires will change. It is so hard on people, like preacher said Jesus didn’t make robots, we have a free will we choose what we want to do in life. It is so hard to explain to this lady she is lost she doesn’t know Christ as her Saviour. That is the first step, to get saved knowing that you’re going to heaven when you die. The understanding will come as you grow in the Lord Jesus. First things First. That is our battle, to lead people to Christ Jesus.


Sal said...

thats a great illustration bro

juan said...

Thanks Bro, just thought of it @ work & just started writing it, then emailed to the house then touch up & blog.