Where there is no vision, the people perish: but he that keepeth the law happy is he. I am sure our pastor has a vision of where our church is going, & where he wants it to be. What is your vision do you see yourself in church for a season of for a lifetime. What vision do you see you life at? So read Proverbs 29: 15-25
" Leadership is important. A church with good leadership begins new ministries, & promotes individual growth. However, a church with poor leadership eventually diminishes & possibly even closes its doors.The loss of vision doesn't sneak up on you. It's a process. The mishandling of correction is the seedbed for failure. Employers have found correction to be necessary. Employers address problems & apply necessary measures of correction to get back on track. You wouldn't be the person you are today if you hadn't been corrected. Failure begins with leniency which grows into a lack of respect for authority. When you don't allow correction you take yourself out of the watch care of what is intended to keep you safe. Man has been driven to fear man, which the Bible says is a snare. Christian parents fear correcting children because of Child Protective Services feels they know more about raising children than the Bible does. Children have a right to be protected but parents should have the right to raise their children according to biblical principle. The snare, the fear of man, destroys the home. When lawlessness exists, rebellion will set in & doom is certain.
Where there is no vision there is idleness. You no longer move forward & the world will pass you by. Where there is no vision the people perish. Have you stripped yourself of God's armor & blessing, exposing yourself to the fierce attacks of Satan? Be careful how you handle your correction. Pastor Wes Rigdon, Lester Baptist Church, Lester, WV"