Friday, April 4, 2008

Fear of God (or the Lack there of)

Fear in Hebrew "yira" meaning reverence & other Hebrew words meaning "terror". Fear is the affection of the mind that arises with the awareness of approaching danger. The fear of God is of several kinds: superstitious, which is the fruit of ignorance: servile, which leads to abstinence from many sins through apprehension of punishment; & filial, which has its spring in love & prompts to care not to offend God & endeavor in all things that please Him. Psalm 111:10 The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom: a good understanding have all they that do his commandments: his praise endureth forever. When you begin to fear the Lord, that is the beginning of wisdom in growing for the Lord. Some people have lost that fear, that is what is wrong with some churches the fear is gone, people play "church". If you don't come to reverence & worship the Lord all mighty when you come to church then my friend what do you come for. That is why marriages fail, that is why kids go astray, that is why people stop serving God. Psalm 24:7 The angel of the Lord encampeth round about them that fear him, and delivereth them. HE sends angels to protect you, when your fear God. BUT WAIT. Fear & love must yes must coexist in us in order that either passion may be healthy & that we may please & rightly serve God. Think of someone you fear but love, could be your father, mother, aunt, uncle, teacher, mentor. You love them, but you still fear them. You don't want to let them down, you fear what they might think if you fail them. Why cant we do that with Jesus fear Him, but love Him, HE loves you no matter what, but he will take care of His children HE will not let us misbehave with out some consequences. If you continue to sin without any fear of God, then I suggest you check up, check to see if you are really saved. When I was growing my dad wouldn't spank the neighbors kids he would spank me. God will not punish children that don't belong to Him. Too many people play "church", you can talk the talk, but can you walk the walk. Not only when people are seeing you , how about the times no one else can see you, but God can, Do you fear Him, Do you Love Him. He loves you wont you serve Him. Too many people going through the motion pretending to go to church for the wrong reason. Have you prayed He wants to hear from his children, don't your parents like to hear from you, well He misses you wont you chat with him a while, spend some time in Glory just filled with the spirit, praying. Fear Him Love Him, please. Proverbs 14:2 He that walketh in his uprightness feareth the Lord: but he that is perverse in his ways despiseth him. In order to be right with God you have to fear Him Love Him. Despise such a strong hating word. Do you despise the things of God? Do you Despise God? Pretty harsh, but hey the bible says it. Where is your fear gone too? Have you lost focus on God? Don't look on other people, don't get your eyes off of JESUS. I know this Blog is not the Gossip you want to hear , but hey its what God has put in my heart. I erased my study blog so this will be it. I know I wont get much comments on these posts, but God might use them for His glory. Sorry no gossip here today, no memories, no laughing matter, "serious business friend". No time for games this is it this is your life. WHO are you living for? God or the Devil, 2 simple choices, 2 very different outcomes. You cant straddle the fence, which side are you on?