Last night as I was just wondering about me, Who am I? was the question in my head. As revival fire is breaking out in the valley, getting a touch of God. I was," Like man I am rubbing elbows with great men of God", like so many times before, but Who Am I? As I was leaving the meeting with things, Ideas, conviction, eye openers, on my mind. I got home talked alone to my beautiful wife, just talked you know, hadn't done that in a while, you know just really talked. I was seeing the people around me at the meeting, that was my mistake looking at people. I would ask the Lord to help me within, and HE did. Seeing people acting the way they act in front of people, I just laid back just being myself, just spying out the crowd. Enjoying what a work God has done, remembering the places I used to be in, now I'm in the house of God most of the time Praise His Holy name. I have watched my pastor, & how he handles things, I think to myself how in the world does he do that, I have a great man of God leading me, & I can learn alot from him. I may not be the most loud one at the meetings, I may not be the one who everyone knows, that's just me. For most of my Christian life I have been the behind the scene kind of guy, & I like it. I don't want to hog up the man of God, I want to soak in everything he says, but I want other people to enjoy the same fellowship I can. I can see people hanging out with people that are not helping them in their Christian walk, but what can I do just sit back & let it happen, No Way, like Bro. Harrison said an Intercessor, Intercede on the behalf of others. Pray for them, I am by no means perfect so if you can't find anyone to pray for, pray for me, I fall so short of the Glory. Like I said rubbing elbows with great men of God, but yet still think nothing of themselves, so humble, so down to earth, yet so heavenly. Just think of themselves as a nobody.
That's when it hit me I am a nobody, so stop thinking anything else of yourself. That's who I am, That's Just me, that's they way I will be. Lord can do what HE wants with me. I started thinking of other men in the church house, that could use some encouragement, so that is what I will do LORD encourage the brethren to go on. Tonight might be the last night of revival so I don't want to quench any part of it. That's Just Me, that's who I am, patiently waiting as God molds me into the man of God I need to be. I have made plenty of mistakes, & I'm not going to lie I will make more that's Just Me.