Saturday, June 2, 2007

Johnny A Deleon lll #14

This is my oldest boy Juan Antonio De Leon III. He lives with his mom I see him every other weekend I pray everything I have taught him stays with him when he leaves and goes back to his home. He finished first place this year but also chose not to play on the all star team. He was not doing so good in school but I can only do so much if his mother doesn't care enough about his grades what can I do, I just pray for him that is what I can do pray for him. I Love him but I feel so far away from him. He is A teenager this year he turned 13 wow. He is in middle school going to 8Th grade i hope. He is getting so big. I pray every time he goes to church he takes something home with him in his heart.
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Sal said...

is it coincidence that Johnny is number 14 and Mike is #13?? Does that mean David will be # 12?

juan said...

nah he is number 4 it was the only number left he is cuatro. he is already going to start practice thats too funny.