Tuesday, January 6, 2009


Today was another snoozing in the morning with the alarm, that the Law gets mad & tells me to get up already. Another hectic day at work, so many truckloads came in today due to back order because of the holidays. Everything was really piled up I just thank God I got to get out at a decent time, well it was 6:30 PM. Then had to go put some oil in the Laws car because her check engine light came on turns out she was out of oil. Can you believe how expensive oil has gotten I put the Pennzoil High mileage, which is expensive enough, but stupid Advance didn't have it I had to get the Castrol one which was about 6 bucks a quart, the High Mileage stuff. The check engine light stayed on so when I brought the car home from piano practice had to go get it from the Law, didn't want her to move the car. Did I mention Mike has piano practice out in the sticks outside city limit of San Benito, literally the sticks. Almost close to my mom house in La Paloma even further into the sticks. Then came home ate some cornflakes & 2 oranges then work out time. I think I did pretty good 2 miles 125 sit-ups, & 50 push-ups, pretty cool I will be sore tomorrow. Oh yeah what I read today was in Mathew chapter 5 verses that got my attention were verse 6-You will be filled with the Spirit IF you thirst for it. Well all of chapter 5 is so great stepping on my toes, just read it please it will help you like it helped me. Man it even talks about suing someone. Verse 44 is really good, love your enemy, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them that despitfully use you, and persecute you. Plain English anyone can read. Verse 48 Be Ye perfect, even as you Father is in Heaven is perfect. Wow some good stuff in that chapter enough to do a Sunday school lesson, I have really broken this chapter down but it will be a really long post. Well keep praying for the Revival in Odem, 2 weeks from now there is a camp meeting at Central Baptist Church so if you could attend it would be really cool to represent our church there. Don't forget to pray, & thank God for today & ask for another day, & that is my thought of the day, he he.


Sal said...

cool bro. i get some bible reading right here on your blog too!

oh and 125 situps? dang vato. you sure that isnt a typo??

juan said...

no, not a type o