Monday, November 3, 2008

Tow Dolly

All hooked up so exciting, sponsered by RobSS, getting closer, thanks Rob via connection digiSal. I got word today from my POP in law that the truck is a stright six, with manual tranny, 3 gears on the column.
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Sal said...

looks you going to need a tetnus shot after handling that thing!

DeeDee said...

whatever that means. :)

juan said...

why you always got hate j? Such a hater

Sal said...

sorry. nice rust.


juan said...

@d, he is saying that cuz it has a slight case of rust.

juan said...

Llol, llol

DeeDee said...

I wasn't talking about the rust, lol, i was talking about the mumbo jumbo you were talking about on the blog! lol

juan said...

LOL @d, straight six is the size of the engine, 6 cylinder, manuel transmission is that it is standard, on the column means the shfter for the transmission is not coming through the floor of the truck it is on the steering column on the other side of all the turn signals, but behind the steering wheel hope that makes some sense or help you understad. What I was saying.