Man, if that is a lean kind, I would hate to see a picture of the non-lean one! Too much bread.
So it looks like you ate BREAD with brisket? ha ha We ate Rudy's earlier this week. It was indeed mmmm.
@ Diana I guess eating too much gator has made you forget what real beef look like, hehe@ Adri, It was a meal for the whole family not just for me, pfft, maybe I could of finished it, hehe, but I was stuffed
@ Juan, It is funny that you say that, I have never tried aligator before!! I have tried duck, and that was really good!!!
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Man, if that is a lean kind, I would hate to see a picture of the non-lean one!
Too much bread.
So it looks like you ate BREAD with brisket? ha ha We ate Rudy's earlier this week. It was indeed mmmm.
@ Diana I guess eating too much gator has made you forget what real beef look like, hehe
@ Adri, It was a meal for the whole family not just for me, pfft, maybe I could of finished it, hehe, but I was stuffed
@ Juan, It is funny that you say that, I have never tried aligator before!! I have tried duck, and that was really good!!!
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