Thursday, November 13, 2008


MMMM, Rudys, brisket baby, the lean kind, trying to watch my figure, hehe.
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Anonymous said...

Man, if that is a lean kind, I would hate to see a picture of the non-lean one!
Too much bread.

Adriana Sujey said...

So it looks like you ate BREAD with brisket? ha ha We ate Rudy's earlier this week. It was indeed mmmm.

juan said...

@ Diana I guess eating too much gator has made you forget what real beef look like, hehe

@ Adri, It was a meal for the whole family not just for me, pfft, maybe I could of finished it, hehe, but I was stuffed

Anonymous said...

@ Juan, It is funny that you say that, I have never tried aligator before!! I have tried duck, and that was really good!!!