Monday, September 29, 2008

Last night

Last night I couldn’t sleep don’t know what it was just woke up with a bad chest pain on my left side, of course you start to think Heart attack. I was getting angry at my wife for telling me to lets go to the doctor, I just wanted to be left alone I was so uncomfortable I was just moving my left arm around in circle to make it go away. It wasn’t like a sharp pain it was more like a soreness, just bothering me. I still have some soreness on my left arm, but if my wife wants me to go check it out I will.
I was so proud of myself for walking last night; I actually kept up with my wife if you know how she walks she walks pretty fast. We did 2 miles non stop, and then we went to get healthy groceries, watching all calories, carbs, & aspartame in drinks. I felt good till I was fast asleep last night; when I was awaken by this uncomfortable feeling. My calves were all tightening up for some reason I think they were just sore. I started praying like crazy to make this feeling go away, I was the one that woke my wife up telling her my chest hurt, and then I am getting mad at her sorry baby, I Love You. She even got dressed, & went to the store to get me some aspirin or some Bayer, I just know my wife was giving them to me & I was to take them. I didn’t even stop to think about her & the kids, I was being selfish. You as a person have an impact on many lives & don’t even know it. I don’t know what my wife would do without me, of course in getting her life back together, but I wouldn’t want to leave her so unprepared. I know she is strong, & will find a way, but I still need to think more about her, & stop being so selfish. I love my boys, & I know they know I love them, but my wife I have to show her more that I love her, not just saying it. Love is an action, we have to show it. I fall so short in this if you could pray for me to show her how much I love her, & not take her for granted like I always do. And about dying, I am not afraid, I know where I will spend eternity, but I am afraid of how I will leave my family behind. We will see how this goes or what happens.


Adriana Sujey said...

I will pray for you. Juan, don't tell me you all are like us when we go walking. I'm walking all fast, y ABEL....with his cool walk. It tell him "hurry up!" He then asks me "How long have you been doing it? AND how long have I?" It's so funny!

Juan, there's nothing like eating healthy and exercising. It will have a great outcome in the future. Just have patience my good man :)

juan said...

LOL, how long have you been doing this, LOL, I guess you have heard that one also.

Anonymous said...

Hey Juan maybe you and I should go walking without our wives! Then we could both walk all cool, and we won't have to try and keep up with them. LOL thats funny right there!