Saturday, March 29, 2008

Iwo Jima (Mexican Style)

Today we painted preacher house it was fun out there. We just couldn't reach a certain peak on the house so my wife had a bright idea of getting a table to put the the ladder on to reach the spot. It worked but we did totally look like all Mojo. He he we finished it though. Thanks to Laura for taking this picture. We had a paint fight @ the end of the night.
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Anonymous said...

I got you good last night!!!LOL

juan said...

@cgirl, that was no fair you had a bucket of paint & water.

Adriana Sujey said...

LOL! Whatever it takes to get the job done! :)

Jean Kincaid said...

I wish you'd taken photos of the front. I'd like to see it and it's too far to drive.

juan said...

@ gramma I would but I forget my camera sometimes I will try ok