Saturday, December 1, 2007


Cousins playing the piano, don't know the name of the song.


Sal said...

I think the song is Heart and Soul. click it.

Adriana Sujey said...

This song brings back memories!! When I was in choir in the 6th grade, I would play the part the little girl is playing. I still try to play it on any piano I can.

juan said...

@ adri thats Laura & Jacob & mike as back up j/k. yes they play really nice, talent is what i call it. Never played piano.

Anonymous said...

Hey Juan,
You know that video Sal put on here, well I can play the bottom part like that older guy. I learned how. I wish Jacob was here to play the top part like I did in this video.

Sal said...

@cg or you can show mikey how to play the top part. that would be cool

juan said...

@ cgirl you should try with mike to make a video to put on you tube