Saturday, July 14, 2007

SS Lesson For 10 to 12 years old for 7/15/07

This Is going to be my Sunday school lesson for tomorrow July 15, 2007 for the kiddos so I am going to write this how I teach it to the kids. The lesson for today id going to be on Proverbs 15 vs 28 &29. 28 The heart of the righteous studieth to answer but the mouth of the wicked poureth out evil things. 29 The Lord is far from the wicked: but hr heareth the prayer of the righteous. Have you ever had a friend who was in trouble or just troubled with something in their life. They ask you for some advise or just open up their heart to you. They tell you what has been bothering them. What do you do? The bible says as we just read the heart of the righteous studieth to answer. If you can answer without studying that either means you have studied their situation before or you know what they are talking about. If you don't know then get to studying the Bible so you can help your friend. The first part of the verse says the righteous. First you better be right with God which means you better be prayed up, confess any unconfessed sin so it won't be in your heart, & be right with God not to be in sin. Make sure you can help them don't be mean. You can be straight forward and tell them how it is just don't be mean. Verse 29 says the Lord is far from the wicked don't be in sin don't be doing bad stuff like disobeying your parents or teachers or like being mean, saying bad words all kinds of bad stuff what we call sin. Sin separates you from God you don't want to be far away from God do you? Verse 29 also says your prayer will be heard. You want your prayers heard right. The Bible says But he heareth the prayer of the righteous again the bible talks about the righteous He will hear your prayer if you are right with Him. In closing Are you close to Him or are you in sin. Do you know are you saved Have you ever trusted on Him to be your personal Saviour. Now is the Time don't wait If you are saved are you right with him. That will be the lesson on Sunday School for the kids.
This is a free bee
Jesus , who will---
-give you eternal life (John 10:28)
" I give unto them eternal life."
-will ease your loneliness(Hebrews 13:5b)
"I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee."
-will meet every need of your life.(Psalm 23:1)
"The Lord is my Shepard, I shall not want."
Jesus wants to give you these gifts.
Will you receive them?
How To Receive Jesus and His Gifts?
"Ask from your heart. "With the heart man believeth unto righteousness."(Romans 10:10)
"whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved."(Romans 10:13
Believe-"...believing ye shall receive."(Mathew 21:22)

Jesus Saves

1 comment:

jav said...

Good leson Juan. I bet the kids liked it.

God Bless..