Wednesday, October 24, 2007


This is Pastor Mark Laiklam of Grace Baptist Church, & his wife Sis. Kim or is it Mrs. Kim whatever. The picture says April, but I think it was when she went to N. Carolina. She always comes back a diffrent color of hair. Poor Bro Mark Pray for my Pastor Please he he.
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Anonymous said...

Yeah, she always changes her hair color, but i think she looks neato in this picture.

Sal said...

looks like she is pondering the great unknown...

juan said...

@cgirl yeah she does loook neato
@ J as long it is not an awkward moment lol

DeeDee said...

Hey this is the picture that I like of Ms. Kim! No more red hair Ms.Kim!

LUCY said...

Sorry Kim but I agree this hair color is the best. Not that the red is horrid.