Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Sauceda Family

This is my sister Carolina with her husband Beto, & kids Nathaniel, Nevieha. Beto just got home from Iraq my Lord Jesus answers prayers. There was a stand in front of the Screamer with some Marines and if you did a certain # of pull ups you would get a marines squeeze bottle. So Beto went to try I don't remember how many he did , but I know he didn't do enough. Yet he still took the squeeze bottle and told them he just got back into the states that he did his time. Then he patted them on the back & said," you guys are doing a good job". Took the squeeze bottle & walked away, they just stayed looking @ him. That is the story behind the squeeze bottle that my wife wanted.
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Sal said...

i have to see this squeeze bottle.

Liza Ruth said...

I signed up for this blocs just to sari HE ONLY DID 5 PULL UPS!!!